M&M Banana Bread

I have made Banana Bread so many times. And I can tell you that, the beauty of banana bread is the fact that you can customize it as you like. In the past, I have made plain banana bread, raisin banana bread, and even chocolate banana bread. I have topped banana bread with chocolate chunks and other nuts. This is the fun part of banana bread I was telling you about. Today, I want to try it with M&M. M&M is one of my favorite chocolates. So why not put in my banana bread. Continue reading and see how beautiful this bread turned out.


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Weekends are always great because, we have enough time to relax and have fun. While the boys are stuck in front of the TV, playing videos games or getting emotional over some stupid football match, the girls could either be at the spa with cucumber slices on their eyes or ( just like me) they could be in the kitchen, making a pile of chin chin for the entire family. Chin chin is a very common snack in Nigeria. With uncountable chin chin recipes out there, mine stands out. This is because of its unique shape, which sometimes confuses people. Continue reading for full recipe.


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Check Out This “BAD ASS HOT CHOCOLATE” Recipe 

Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! Is anyone there? I know it’s been more than 2 months since I’ve posted anything on this blog of mine. I want to say a big THANK YOU to my readers and subscribers who sent me DMs over Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram, just to say how much they’ve missed me and want me back here. THANK YOU so much. I appreciate you all.??
So now, what is it again? ?Of course it is a HAPPY NEW YEAR???✌? And to celebrate the NEW YEAR, preciouscore.com and I have collaborated together to make and bless you with two “AMAZING HOT CHOCOLATE” Recipes.
Continue reading and be blessed…. (more…)

Continue ReadingCheck Out This “BAD ASS HOT CHOCOLATE” Recipe